Emergency Shelter
If you are in immediate danger, dial 911.
Safe Place of Eastern South Dakota provides emergency housing in Mitchell, SD for victims/survivors and their children escaping domestic violence.
Call our 24-hour Crisis Hotline to speak to an advocate:
If calling may put you in danger, please use our chat feature.
About the Shelter
Safe Place of Eastern South Dakota provides a confidential emergency shelter for adult victims and their children escaping domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. This is a locked and secure facility equipped with cameras and an alarm system that allow direct contact to police dispatch. Our goal is to provide a safe and empowering environment for those who are escaping violence at home.
The shelter currently has seven bedrooms and can accommodate up to 27 residents.
We serve nine counties in Eastern South Dakota including: Davison, Aurora, Hanson, Sanborn, Douglas, Jerauld, Hutchinson, Miner, and McCook.
Shelter Services
Basic Needs
Safe Place offers food, emergency clothing, private room and laundry facilities.
Support Services
Advocates will help contact Department of Social Services for benefit assistance, Department of Labor for job opportunities, and provide contact information for legal services.
Protection Order Assistance
Advocates will help you complete the protection order, assist in filing the order, and can accompany you to the court hearing.
Housing Assistance
The Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) can provide housing assistance for qualified individuals. This can include housing application fee assistance, security deposit funds, rental assistance, and utilities arrears assistance. An application must be completed to determine eligibility.
Safety Planning
A safety plan is a personalized, practical plan to improve your safety while experiencing abuse, preparing to leave an abusive situation, or after you leave. Advocates can walk through your situation and devise the best safety plan for you.
Safe Place Survivor Stories:
“I fled Georgia – and my abusive boyfriend – with the help of a friend here in South Dakota. My boyfriend was emotionally, mentally, and verbally abusive with me. He even abused my beloved emotional support dog to hurt me. He used me for my disability income, and he took advantage of my inability to read and understand things.
“My friend connected me with the Safe Place shelter, where I was able to rest and recover. The Safe Place advocates helped me with paperwork for everything from my disability income to renting an apartment.”
Safe Place Office Hours: Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m.— 5:00 p.m.
Any Inquiries on support services, please contact an advocate: 605-996-2765
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